Keep 75-100% of
Your Commissions

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Change Your Life

eXp is laser-focused on helping agents succeed professionally & grow financially. 84,000 Agents globally can’t be wrong!

Use our commission calculator to work out how much extra you will make at eXp Australia:

Download a Free Info pack to Learn More about eXp Australia:

Money Bag

Be compensated with the eXp Revenue Share Program.

Totally unique to the industry.


Your Own Business 
You are the brand.

eXp supports co-branding.


“The World” 
Metaverse for Agents.

Tech like you have never seen before!

Com Split

75/25% commission split with a $100k GCI annual cap.

Join the 100% Club once you reach the cap level each anniversary year.


Real-time support
Real Estate Business
in a Box

Everything to help you succeed, no desk or franchise fees.


Share Program.

Receive shares in eXp Global.

Get business ready with our free starter pack

Earn More Keep More!

Keep 75-100% of your commissions, and enjoy a low company cap.

No desk fees, no royalty fees, no franchise fees. Keep 75-100% of your commission.

Agents also have the ability to be awarded stock shares within the model.

Retain 100% of your commission when you reach $100,000 gross commission income (GCI) – (we call this CAP) prior to this you receive a generous 75% (resets on your 12-month anniversary). 

What do our Agents say?

Pauline Sawyer

eXp give me greater flexibility over my career and life, you get a great commission split and even receive 100% commission split once you achieve $100,000 CGI, you receive shares in the company. We also have great systems and excellent support.

Paul Denisoff

Why would you recommend eXp to other agents?
Definitely the lifestyle change, having 3 young boys and being able to juggle my time with school and sporting events without the pressure of traveling to work at a certain time and leaving at a certain time, I can wake up and start work from home as early as I want.

Dee Mangion

eXp is an opportunity never offered previously in the real estate industry. The eXp model has allowed me to operate my own real estate office from wherever I choose to work. Whilst still supported by an admin team, mentors, and some of the best trainers in the industry.

Within 6 months working part time in my business, I have now qualified to retain 100% of my commission for my remaining calendar year, I have been gifted eXp shares with the opportunity to continue being gifted more. eXp is the only model I know of that helps you create a retirement fund that’s not being funded from your own pocket!

Top this up with the most helpful, caring team of agents who generously share all they know with one another. eXp is a family where ALL agents are treated equally!.

Michelle Lockwood

What are the 3 things you like best about eXp? Work life balance with more flexibility Getting more of my hard earned commission in my pocket Having the opportunity to create a residual income.


Or contact: 
1300 397 777